Exciting News: HempX CBD Gummies Get a Festive Makeover!

New Look, Same Great Benefits
At HempX, we’re thrilled to unveil the exciting transformation of our CBD gummies just in time for the holiday season! Say goodbye to the half-moon shape and hello to a delightful cube infused with a calming blue color. But don’t worry – while our gummies may look a bit different, the benefits and doses you love remain as consistent as ever.
A Feast for the Eyes and the Senses
The aesthetic upgrade is more than just a visual treat; it enhances your overall enjoyment without compromising any of the wellness benefits you’ve come to rely on. We believe this delightful change will add an extra layer of joy to your CBD experience.
Discover the joy of our transformed CBD gummies and celebrate the holiday season with HempX. Thank you for being part of our wellness journey!
Use code YUMMYGUMMY for 25% off any HempX gummy purchase